تحليل زمن بقاء الطلاب بمؤسسات التعليم الجامعي في ليبيا دراسة تطبيقية لحالة: قسم الرياضيات بكلية التربية أوباري
: This research paper aims to study the students’ stay in university education institutions in Libya, by measuring and analyzing the duration of stay in the study seats, the time of stay is limited between, the registration of the student “enrolled” in the institution until he exits from it “leaving”, either graduating or dropping out. . The Department of Mathematics at the Ubari College of Education was identified as a case study, to provide the necessary model data. The movement data of 26 consecutive semesters (from spring 2008 until fall 20-2021) was adopted to be the time period covered in this study.
The paper formulated a Cox Regression Model, considering Status (survival/departure), Time as Dependent Variables, Gender and Nationality variables, and GPA as covariates. The model was estimated and diagnosed.
The paper concluded that: the gender factor has no significant significance for the student’s survival, as is the case for the nationality factor, while the cumulative average estimate has a statistically significant sign of the student’s survival in university educational institutions. Students with a high grade are the least likely to survive, and vice versa.