Issue No21-2019 - العدد الواحد والعشرون
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Vol.1- المجلد الاول [0]
حولية علمية محكمة تصدر عن مركز البحوث والاستشارات العلمية والتدريب بجامعة الزاوية -
Vol.2- المجلد الثاني [0]
حولية علمية محكمة تصدر عن مركز البحوث والاستشارات العلمية والتدريب بجامعة الزاوية -
Vol.3- المجلد الثالث [12]
حولية علمية محكمة تصدر عن مركز البحوث والاستشارات العلمية والتدريب بجامعة الزاوية -
Vol.4- المجلد الرابع [15]
حولية علمية محكمة تصدر عن مركز البحوث والاستشارات العلمية والتدريب بجامعة الزاوية -
Vol.5- المجلد الخامس [13]
Recent Submissions
A Scanning Electron Microscopic Evaluation of SurfaceDefects of New and Used Retreatment Files
(2019-05)This study evaluated the surface defects of new and used Retreatment files using scanning electron microscope. Methods: Thirty extracted human mandibular molars with curvature 10o to 25o were used in the study. The selected ... -
The Influence of Service Quality on Passengers' Satisfaction and Loyalty. A Study on Air Malta
(2019-05)This research examines and investigates the impact of service quality on airline customer satisfaction and loyalty. The researchers analyzed the secondary data and exercised personal observation to identify the nature of ... -
Hydrochemical Investigation and Quality Assessment of Groundwater in WadiJarif, Sirte City, Libya
(2019-05)Hydrochemistry of groundwater in WadiJarif, Sirte City, Libya was used to assess the quality of groundwater for determining its suitability for drinking, domestic and agricultural purposes. A total of 30 groundwater samples ... -
Measurement of Mechanical Properties of Re-Cycled Waste Refractory Brick
(2019-05)Misrata Iron and Steel Complex waste brick used in this study was subjected to cleaning and crushing to granules of 30 mm size. The resultant granules were hammer milled to powder particles of an average size of 1 mm and ... -
Validation Solution of Incompressible Viscous Flow Over Multi-Element Airfoil
(2019-05)Computation fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations are very important tools, which use algorithms and numerical methods for analyzing and solving problems in fluid mechanics. Computer programs are adopted in order to simulate ... -
Survey on Academic Staff Awareness of Open Educational Resources
(2019-05)Open Educational Resources become an important asset for many educational institutions. In this paper we report the analysis of our survey data on using open educational resources at the University of Tripoli (UoT) among ... -
المساقات الدراسية بكليات التربية في ضوء المخرجات والممارسات المهنية "جامعة الزاوية أنموذجا "
(2019-06-15)تعد المساقات الدراسية أحد أركان العملية التعليمية إن لم تكن أهمها سواء أكانت في مرحلة التعليم الجامعي أم كانت دونها. فتقييم المساقات الدراسية بكليات التربية، وارتباطها بالمساقات الدراسية لمرحلتي التعليم الأساسي والثانوي، ... -
Teachers’ Role in Communicative Language Teaching in Libyan Secondary Schools
(2019-06-15)Teachers play an important role in classroom management. They act as facilitators of learning to enable students to learn in the way that suits them best rather than telling them what to do. CLT provided a focus for debate ... -
Length –Weight Relationship, Feeding and Reproductive Study of Wolf Herring, Chirocentrus Dorab (Clupieformes: Chirocentridae)
(2019-06-15)This study was conducted to investigate the morphometric and feeding and reproductive of dorab wolf herring in the coastal waters. Trophic level and some aspects of the feeding and reproductive biology of Wolf Herring were ... -
4Cs in the EFL Classroom
(2019-06-15)This paper discusses the concepts of the 4Cs (critical thinking, collaboration, communication & creativity) which are introduced as main skills of the 21st century. It provides detailed explanations of the principles of ... -
Changing Classroom-Based Course Material to Online Course
(2019-06-15)This work was motivated by the fact that the number of learners increases remarkably compared to the number of teachers; mainly in rural areas. Another issue was the decrease of attendance rate among students. eLearning ... -
Optimising of Immunohistochemical Protocol for Organotypic Brain Slice Cultures
(2019-06-15)Organotypic slice cultures of brain tissue is an ex-vivo technique that been used increasingly to study neuronal death induced by hypoxia, hypoglycaemia, oxidative stress and brain disorders such as; Alzheimer and Parkinson’s ... -
بيئات التعلم الافتراضية وتقنياتها نحو افاق جديدة لرقمنة التعليم عربيا
(المجلة الجامعة, 2019-05) -
اخلاقيات مهنة الاستاذ الجامعى وأثرها فى تكوين شخصية الطلابورفع معدل تحصيلهم العلمى
(المجلة الجامعة, 2019-05) -
سيميائية العنوان فى الشعر الليبى
(المجلة الجامعة, 2019-05) -
البدائل الحديثة لنظرية العامل قراءة و نقد
(المجلة الجامعة, 2019-05) -
البُعد التداولي للخطاب
(المجلة الجامعة, 2019-06) -
مدى استخدام منهجيات وادوات هندسة البرمجيات في انجاز مشاريع التخرج لطلبة أقسام الحاسوب بجامعة الزاوية
(المجلة الجامعة, 2019-06)