Growth and Yield Responses of Libyan Hard Wheat (Triticum durum Desf ) Genotypes to Salinity Stress

عرض/ افتح
F. Ehtaiwesh, Amal
H. Rashed, Fatma
واصفات البيانات
عرض سجل المادة الكاملالخلاصة
A pots experiment was conducted to evaluate salinity tolerance during vegetative and flowering stages for nine hard wheat genotypes (Triticum durum Desf ) in four treatments of salinity including (0 (control), 50, 100, and 150mM NaCl) with 4 replicated RCD. Results indicated that salinity stress caused a marked decrease in growth and yield-related parameters of wheat genotypes. However, few genotypes were superior to other genotypes in maintaining good growth under salinity stress. The study pointed out that plant height, tiller number, spike number plant-1, dry weight plant-1, grain yield plant-1 and harvest index per plant were substantially reduced due to salinity stress. During vegetative and flowering growth stages, the application of NaCl salinity significantly affected the tiller and spike number of wheat genotypes, mainly at 100 and 150 mMNaCl but there was no significantly difference at the low salinity treatments. Spike number plant-1 was more affected by salinity as compared to tiller number at all salinity levels. Grain yield showed considerable decrease with increasing salinity up to 150 mMNaCl. This reduction was more in Alkrm genotype as compared to Aboshock and Homera genotypes. Harvest index was significantly reduced by salinity stress. Nevertheless, the reduction was more pronounced in Alkrm than Aboshock. Among the 9 genotypes, (Aboshock, Jliledeep and Breka) were the most tolerant genotypes and (Alkrm and Mergawe) were the most sensitive genotypes. The study concludes that the effect of salinity on growth traits varied according to the salt tolerance of the genotypes. Yet, more experimental studies are still needed to obtain reliable data under filed condition for different growth stages.