Guidelines for using the Process Approach to Teachhow to write Compare-Contrast Essay in EAP Context
This paper aims to evaluate and explain how the teachers of writing can help EAP students to write a compare-contrast essay throughout the process approach. The principles of this approach can provide EFL students with the actual procedures to produce that type of essay. This approach should be used to teach any group of EFL Libyan students at upper intermediate levelhow to write compare-contrast essay. This is due to that it helpsstudents to better understand how they can produce a good piece of writing, to promote their critical thinking and to reinforce the awareness of their readers.This paper also intends to show the different roles of teachers and students in writingcompare-contrast essays.The main role of the teacher is to help the students to see themselves as writers. However, learning to write depends on understanding the points behind that as well as the surrounding environment that provides readers for whom this writing will be written.