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dc.contributor.authorمطاري, ناصر محمد فرج
dc.description.abstractTitle of the study: concern of the future and its relation to some variables among students of Benghazi University (field study in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences infidelity). the study Problem: Because the thoughts, feelings and behavior result from the experiences of the individual, the students' concern about their future is not new, but what is going through Libya and the city of Kufra, especially during this period of security disturbances called for researcher to study this problem, because of the future concern of psychological effects on the university student, which may This study aims at identifying the relationship of the future concern among the students of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in Kufra with some variables such as (gender, females), specialization (scientific, literary), school year (first, IV) and y To you by answering the following question: What is the relationship of the future concern with some variables among students of Benghazi University Faculty of Arts and Sciences in the city of Kufra? the importance of studying: This study is within the limits of the researcher's knowledge of the few studies at the level of Libya, the first study dealing with the future concern in the city of Kufra, and the period in which the university was going through difficult conditions because of the insecurity near the university campus, which led to the irregularity of the study and make The students are in a state of concern for the future, and their importance stems from the importance of the class they are studying. They are students of the first year at the beginning of their academic year and the fourth year are seeking to start another phase of their lives after graduation. Direction and guidance in the development of guidance programs and Tuaahlhzh category. Objectives of the study: - Identify the extent of the future concern of the sample. - Identifying the differences in future anxiety according to gender variable (male, female) among sample members. - Identifying the differences in the future anxiety according to the change in the academic year (first and fourth) among the sample members. - Identifying the differences in future anxiety according to the specialization variable (scientific, literary) among the sample members. Study Approach: The researcher used the descriptive approach that reflects the psychological phenomenon to be studied, by collecting data and information, analyzing and interpreting it in order to derive its significance in clear and specific terms. The study sample: The study was conducted on a sample of (176) students, of whom (96) students from the Faculty of Arts and (80) students from the Faculty of Science. Study tool: Future anxiety scale (researcher setting). Statistical Methods: To verify the study hypotheses, the researcher used a number of statistical methods: 1- T.Test test for one sample. 2- TTest test for two independent samples. 3- The arithmetic mean. 4- Standard deviation. Results: 1- high level of concern for the future in general in the sample of the current study. 2- There are no statistically significant differences in the future anxiety between males and females in the current study sample. 3- The absence of differences of statistical significance in the concern of the future attributed to the variable specialization (literary, scientific) in the sample of the current study. 4- The presence of statistically significant differences in future anxiety among students according to the school year (first and fourth) in the current study sample in favor of the first academic year more anxious.en_US
dc.subjectقلق المستقبلen_US
dc.subjectالدراسات التربويةen_US
dc.subjectالدراسات النفسيةen_US
dc.titleقلق المستقبل وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات لدى طلبة جامعة بنغازي (دراسة ميدانية بكلية الآداب والعلوم الكفرة)en_US

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